A lot of clients and friends call our Body-Health Fitness Group Training Program ‘Bootcamp’ and we know what they mean. But we always like to make this clear - we are NOT a bootcamp.
And we probably DON’T do what you expect we might do with our coaching at Body- Health Fitness.
You see ,unfortunately, not all ‘bootcamps’ are created equally and if you tar them all with the same brush you can sometimes be left miffed about your results.
These days the fitness ‘trends’ have caught up. Now every gym and community up and down the country has people running exercise classes they call ‘bootcamp’.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not slating – if people choose to exercise that’s a positive step for them but I’m pointing out this is NOT what we do.
So, what are the main differences for Body-Health Fitness then?
1. ‘Bootcamp’ usually just means ‘hard exercise class’ and an instructor shouting orders and motivation.
Body-Health group training is a ‘program’, a set program that our clients attend 3 x per week for not only exercise but ongoing guidance on nutrition, mindset and lifestyle.
So, what’s the benefit of it being a program then? THE RESULTS. You see, to get real lasting results, it needs to be more than just hard exercise. You need to train your body, mind and lifestyle to a new way of working.
2. Accountability. Our program makes you accountable. If you just go to bootcamp sessions somewhere, or you have the option to dip in and dip out and not attend some days and it doesn’t matter if you turn up or if you don’t. Are you going to be consistent enough to see results? (be honest).
To ensure we deliver results we insist our clients come to set training sessions 3 x per week and we are waiting for them to be there at every session. It makes you feel like you should be somewhere and you don’t have the option to let yourself off the hook and just not go.
3. It’s NOT random. At so many ‘bootcamps’ every session is just random. '10 hard exercises' kind of approach.
The problem with random is it’s kind of like helping an infant child learn how to walk, by getting them to crawl, jump, shuffle, lie down, sit down etc. As you know, the body doesn’t learn things like that, it learns by doing what you want to learn. Your child needs to walk to learn how to walk. Exercise works exactly the same. You want better legs, first you should learn to squat, then the next time do some more squats, and then add more to them until your legs HAVE to change shape to get better at doing the squats. If it's random 'stuff' you're not teaching your body to get better, so the changes are slower.
When you train with us we don’t give you trendy stuff. We give you direct stuff that is carefully selected to get you results FAST.
4. We SHOW you how to eat for results. Once again, if it’s just a ‘class’, you can come and go to - what about all the other stuff you need to do to see results? If we can get you on board our program, we can also coach you on how to eat correctly for results too. (We don’t mean a meal plan and ‘get on with it attitude’). We mean lifestyle guidelines, new habits, recipes, examples and opportunity to learn how to create long term healthy changes to your life.
5. We can change your mindset. Once again if you are part of our program, we can guide you step by step and when you have questions we can coach you to the answers so you can change your mindset as you transform your body. If it’s just a class, where your attendance is not consistent, a coach can’t have your attention long enough to coach you to lasting results.
Over the last year we have truly connected with our clients through face to face and e-mail mindset tricks tips and advice, to get the best results. We are a program that delivers results and that is our message!